GitHub: Learn what matters 🚀 This includes all git useful commands that are frequently used. 1. Configuration git config --global "Your name" // Set the name for commits. git config --global "" // Set the email for commits. 2. Repository Creation git init // Initialize a new Git repository. git clone "repository url" // clone an existing repository. 3. Basic commands git add 'filename' // Stage changes for the next commit. git commit -m "message" // Commit staged changes with a message. git status // Show the status of changes. 4. Branching and Merging git branch // List branches. git branch "branch-name" // Create a new branch. git checkout "branch-name" // Switch to a branch. git merge "branch-name" // Merge a branch into the current branch. 5. Remote Repositories git remote // Show remote connections. git remote add "url" // Add a remote repository. git fetch // Fetch changes from a remote repository. git pull // Fetch and merge changes from a remote branch. git push // Push local changes to a remote branch. 6. Undoing Changes git reset // Show remote connections. git checkout -- // Discard changes in working directory. git git revert // Create a new commit that undoes changes from a previous commit.